Usually Gel Polish can stay longer than 2 weeks, so if you get Gel nails done, make sure it’s
a length that you can maintain. Even though it’s a permanent polish, the longer your nails the
more prone they are to be damaged. Plus, a comfortable nail length allows you to do more
activities without worrying about your nails. Always use gloves if you are cleaning often, this
will keep your nails shiny and avoid drying of the nail bed.
GEL manicures can be costly – but they are meant to last.
So it can often be annoying when you can’t get yours to last past the two-week mark before they start to lift, peel and look messy.
But, if your nails leave you less than impressed, there are tips and tricks to help you get your money’s worth from your mani.
Here’s how to keep those gels going strong for longer.
Now, hopefully you won’t end up “accidentally” un-peeling them before you hit the salon.

Cuticle push
Make sure that whoever is doing your gels pushes back or removes your cuticles before applying the gels.
Even the tiniest overlap can cause your manicure to lift off faster.
No hot water
Avoid using hot water on your hands and nails, it can seep into your nail plates and cause the polish to lift and peel.
Dig out those rubber gloves…
Be gentle
Avoid tearing open letters or parcels – always use scissors instead.
Apply cuticle oil every day
Cuticle oil can help your nails look salon-fresh for longer and will also keep the area moisturised.
If you do get a snag, file your gels down.
You can also file them to get rid of any “dull” edges – simply apply a fresh layer of top coat once you’re done and they’ll look as good as new.
Get creative
Nails grow out, and even if your mani has lasted chip and peel-free for weeks on end, you will still have the dreaded regrowth at the base.